Summer Explorations at The Elisabeth Morrow School

Englewood, NJ

A Summer of Discovery: Where Learning and Fun Intersect

Age-Appropriate Programs for a Diverse Range of Interests

Summer Explorations at The Elisabeth Morrow School offers a variety of programs tailored to different age groups, ensuring that each child has a fulfilling and enriching experience.

For the youngest attendees, aged 2 to Grade 1, the camp provides a structured, classroom-based program led by certified teachers. Each week introduces a new theme, complemented by activities like water play, nature study, and playground time.

Dive into Week-Long Workshops

For students in Grades 2–6, the camp offers week-long workshops in the mornings. These workshops cover a wide array of subjects such as jewelry making, woodworking, coding, sports, outdoor adventures, and animation. In the afternoons, students have the freedom to choose new activities, allowing them to explore a variety of interests throughout the summer.

Leadership Training for Older Students

Students in Grades 7–9 can participate in the Leaders in Training program. This intensive three-week course aims to develop leadership skills through various exercises and challenges. Each participant completes a First Aid/CPR course and an American Camping Association online course in youth leadership.

A Typical Day at Camp

A day at Summer Explorations is packed with activities designed to keep children engaged and learning. For the youngest group, the day starts with a morning meeting and discovery time, followed by special classes like Movement or Music. After snack time and playground activities, they engage in classroom time and water play. Older students follow a schedule that includes two morning workshops, snack and recess, and two afternoon activities of their choice.

Financial Considerations and Registration

The camp offers both half-day and full-day options to accommodate the needs of different families. Registration is straightforward, and parents can choose the weeks they wish their children to attend, providing flexibility for summer planning.

Why Choose Summer Explorations?

The camp is set on a beautiful 14-acre campus, offering ample space for outdoor activities and nature study. The staff are not just supervisors but mentors who guide the children in exploring their interests. The camp’s philosophy centers around providing a safe and inclusive environment where children can discover their passions and develop new skills.

For more information, visit the Summer Explorations website.

The Elisabeth Morrow School Address:
435 Lydecker St,
Englewood, NJ 07631